Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Kristiansand, Norway

Today I received the first external contribution to this journey. It's true that it's from someone I know, but it was someone to whom I haven't asked for photos, yet!;)

This time we go to Kristiansand in Norway, the fifth largest city in Norway.

This McDonald's has a singular facade, that gives this restaurant an impressive look.
Be aware that, like in any McDonald's and I think other fast food restaurants, in this restaurant you will pay more if you buy to eat in the restaurant than if you take-away.


aldasilva said...

Muito grego. Por falar nisso, crava a alguém fotos de um da Grécia, lol. Não sei se competiriam com este :P

A "Alfacinha" said...

que demais este!!!